Three Tips For Saving Money On A New Air Conditioner

So your central air conditioner has started making a noise indicating it's decided to finally go gently into that good night. With all the technological advancements made in the air conditioning industry, replacing your a/c unit could save you a lot of money on your energy bills. However, it can cost an average of $5,204 to install a new central unit. Here are three ways you can get a replacement unit a little cheaper. [Read More]

How To Spot And Take Care Of AC Short Cycling Problems

Does it seem that your air conditioner is turning itself on and off frequently? Then you may have a problem that could take a toll on its well-being over time. Short cycling is a relatively common problem among many air conditioning systems and it's one that can prevent your home from receiving the comfort it deserves. The following offers an explanation of how short cycling problems can affect your air conditioner, as well as ways you can combat this problem and even prevent it from occurring in the future. [Read More]

Furnace On Its Last Legs? Five Reasons To Consider Installing A New One

Furnaces just don't last forever, no matter how well you take care of them. They usually quit right around the 15 to 20 year mark. That's when it usually becomes more expensive to keep the old furnace running rather than ripping it out and putting in something new. If you do install a new furnace, choosing one with an Energy Star rating will cut down on your energy bill even more. Below are five ways you can tell that your old furnace is on its way out. [Read More]

Hoppy Days Ahead: What To Do If You Find Frogs In The Toilet

Frogs need moisture to keep their bodies from drying out and can often be found near sources of water. Sometimes that water source is your toilet bowl. That's right, frogs can and do swim up your drain pipe and suddenly appear in your toilet bowl. Although it is not a common occurrence, if you are weary of these critters, you probably don't want one to greet you when you're in a private act. [Read More]